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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Android Studio and App

Sorry for not posting in a long while. I have been working on my App now that the internship is going nowhere (the President has not been responding to my emails or voicemail). I am still confused on the planning stages of my app and don't really have an understanding of how one goes about making a crediblity checker. The only one online I found was easybib website checker and even that was not helpful in understanding how they came about creating the software to analyze the people, newspapers, books, etc cited by the article and then cross-referencing it with the actual bio of the person.

I know I made the shift from fake news checker to credibility checker because a checker is about encouraging people to get their facts right and a fake news checker would not be able to do that. But lately I have been wondering what direction I want my research to go. Everyday I keep asking myself questions about the effectiveness of a fake news checker and the fake news checker that have popped out lately. Today I asked myself if it was wrong to have news organizations like Slate checking other news sources with their This is Fake chrome extension.

The picture above was when I ended up with technical glitches when I tried to run my app. When I needed up fixing the problem I ended with more problems as my app would not be built and kept running into a pixel processor error and rendering error.

I will work on this and see where my research takes me. 

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