Blog Archive

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Spring Break

This week was incredibly frustrating. When I first did my research on a fake news checker app or extension I did not find much about it. No such app existed and although google had released a project called Project Shield, it was not exactly what I had in mind to stop fake news from spreading. 
"Project Shield is a free service that helps protect websites from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. A DDoS attack is an attempt to make your website unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources." (Project Field about Page).
Now, I am incredibly saddened to realize that Google has released a new plugin/extension called This Is Fake. 
"This tool both identifies articles in your Facebook feed that intentionally spread misinformation and allows you to tell your friends when they're sharing a fake story. When you connect This Is Fake to your Facebook account, you can also flag fabricated stories for our moderators. Be a good citizen of the internet and help the truth rise to the top of your Facebook news feed!" 
(Overview from Google Webstore:
While it is still a beta test service only functional on Facebook rather than all social media accounts, I was stressed about how I will be able to continue my research. 

For this reason, I apologize for not blogging during Spring Break and making a blog post the week after. 

I still do not know where my research will be going on and I have too many questions -Should I make a new research question? Should I still continue? Or???- in my head.

Side Thoughts: Almost every two weeks I meet with my faculty adviser so maybe I should do that. Or just research more and see what I can do now with the research I have already done.